This is just like FaceTime for scribes, where you push a button, and the recorder joins you in real-time. As a MedicaGateway charting expert, You may also enter data for the History of Present Illness (HPI), Review of Systems (ROS), Physical Exam, Assessment/Plan, and other responsibilities.To ensure compliance, privacy, and excellent client service, MedicaGateway delivers the best scribes in the industry. The time you save on paperwork will allow you to devote more of your attention to patient care, yourself, and your family. In addition, a scribe may help busy physicians enhance their earnings by allowing for more visits. This is enough to pay for your scribe’s wages.

Every Specialty Gets Its Program

Creating a personalized training program is critical to your firm’s success since every practice is unique. A rigorous three-phase training program prepares our medical scribes for every specialty. The most crucial aspect is that it is free of charge.Your medical scribes become an integral component of your care team once they are incorporated into your practice’s workflow. Our staff covers 99% of all contractual shifts. Our staffing plan, which includes an online scheduling tool and backup scribes allocated to every change, is to blame for this.


Implementation in a Shorter Time

It typically takes six weeks for a scribe to start recording on behalf of the provider, depending on the program’s size. The medical scribe will be trained on your specialty, provider documentation preferences, and the individual EHR throughout this step.

Effortless Transition

Our transfer procedure will not disrupt your workflow. On day one of the transition, implementation trainers will be transferred to your institution to ensure that your local medical scribes are fully trained.

Increasing your revenue

If you see 20 patients a day, you save at least three minutes per appointment by not having to fill out clinical paperwork. MedicaGateway scribe services: You’ll be able to visit more patients and spend less time doing paperwork.